
COMP2711 Discrete Mathematical tools for Computer Science


a | ba divides b (b 可以比 a 整除) (b/a ∈ Z)

Euclid’s Divison Theorem:

所有integer都可以用 a = dq + r 哩 represent // $a,q,r \in \mathbb{Z}$ & $d \in \mathbb{Z^+}$

a = dividend q d = divisor —————- q = quotient d | a r = remainder √  -————- r

Proof of Existence (By Contradiction):

​ Assume m is the smallest counter example of the predicate a = dq + r {m = nq + r}

< this part can be represent by m = nq + r >m< this part maybe some can, some can’t>

​ We want to put the m back into the range that is representable by m = nq + r, let say

​ when n > m: ie. 5 ÷ 10 ​ $ m = n•0 + m $ 5 = 10 x 0 + 5

​ when m ≥ n: ​ $m - n = nq + r$
​ $ m = nq + n + r $ ​ $m = n(q + 1) + r ≈ nq’ + r$

​ $m = nq’ + r$ is contradict with the statement that m ≠ nq + r

​ so m can be represent by the a = dq + r

Proof of Uniqueness:

​ Assume q and r is not unique for a = dq + r so we can say: \(\begin{cases} a = dq_1 + r_1 & 0≤r_1≤d \\ a = dq_2 + r_2 & 0≤r_2≤d \end{cases}\) ​ if (1) - (2) \(a-a = (dq_1 + r_1) - (dq_2 + r_2) \\ 0 = d(q_1 - q_2) + (r_1 - r_2) \\ r_2 - r_1 = d(q_1 - q_2)\) ​ Remainder - Remainder must be smaller then d since $r ∈{0,1,2, … , d - 1}$:

​ $r_2 - r_1 < d$

​ then we can say $d(q_1 - q_2)$ is also smaller then d as $r_2 - r_1 = d(q_1 - q_2)$

​ $d(q_1 - q_2) < d$

​ LHS is smaller then RHS in integer context IFF $q_1 - q_2 = 0$ , So we can conclude that $q_1 = q_2$ ​ and therefore $r_2 - r_1 = 0$ , $r_1 = r_2$

​ So every $a$ has a unique $d$ and $r$

Modular Arithmetic:


$a \mod m $$(a + bm) \mod m $
$(a \mod mn) \mod n $$a \mod n$
$( a + b ) \mod m$$((a \mod m ) + (b \mod m)) \mod m$
$(ab \mod m) $$((a \mod m)(b \mod m)) \mod m$

Modular Arithmetic on $\mathbb{Z_m}$:

$\mathbb{Z_m} = {0,1,…,m-1}$


$a +_m b$$(a + b) \mod m$
$a \ •_m b$$(a \ •\ b) \mod m$


Associative$(a +_m b) +_m c$$a+_m(b+_mc)$

Additive Inverse:

All number have additive inverse

如果 $a \in \mathbb{Z_m}$ , 代表 $a < m$ , 因為 $a$ 只會係 ${0,1,…,m-1}$ and $a+_m0=a$ and $a•_m1=a$

$a \mod m$ <additive inverse> $-a \mod m$

$a + (-a \mod m ) = m$

$(a + (-a \mod m)) \mod m = 0$

Multiplicative inverse:

Not all number have mulitplactive inverse

係 $a \in \mathbb{Z_m}$ 嘅情況下,如果 $a•_m b = 1$ 咁 $b$ 就係 $a$ ge Multiplicative Inverse

$ab \mod m = 1$


a and b have Same Remainder when divided by m

Notation: $a\equiv b\ \ (\mod m)$ // 嗰 ( ) 好似一定要有

if $a\mod m = b \mod m$, then we can say $a\equiv b\ \ (\mod m)$


  1. $m(a-b)$ // remainder 嗰part 相減左,$mq_1$ 同 $mq_2$ 都係 $m$ ge 倍數,所以可以比$m$ 整除
  2. $\exist t \in \mathbb{Z} (a = b + mt)$ // $ m(q_2 + t) + r_2$


$+_m$ 同 $•_m $ 淨係可以係$\mathbb{Z_m}$ 入面用 ie. $0 ≤ a,b < m $

$\equiv$ 可以係成個 $\mathbb{Z}$ 入面用 ie. $0 ≤ a,b $ & $m \in \mathbb{Z^+}$


可以用當 $ a \mod m = b \mod m $ 嗰時 $a = b + mt$ 哩proof

if $a \equiv b (\ mod\ m)$ and $c \equiv d (\ mod\ m)$

  1. $a+c \equiv b+d(\ mod \ m)$
  2. $ac \equiv bd (\ mod \ m)$
  3. $a+c \equiv b + c(\ mod \ m)$
  4. $a - c \equiv b - c (\ mod \ m)$
  5. $ac \equiv bc (\ mod \ m)$


Greatest Common Divisor, 可以除盡a 同 b最大嗰粒數

Relative Prime:

gcd(a,b) = 1

Euclidean Algorithm:

Let $a = bq + r$, when $a, b, q, r \in \mathbb{Z}$ then gcd(a,b) = gcd(b,r)

e.g: $$ gcd(252,198)
252 = 198 • 1 + 54
198 = 54 • 3 + 36
54 = 36 • 1 + 18
36 = 18 • 2 + 0\

\therefore gcd(252,198) = 18 $$

Extend GCD (Bézout’s Theorem):

gcd(a,d) = ay+dx

用返上面嗰個example: gcd(252,198)

By: \(\begin{cases} a = dq + r \\ x = y' - qx' \\ y = x'\\ \end{cases} \\\)

denote that x’ and y’ means old x and old y

$\therefore gcd(252,198) = 4 • 252 - 5• 198 = 18$

Multiplicative inverse:

如果 gcd(a,m) = 1, then $a^{-1}$ exist

Finding Inverse:

雖然話都係用extend GCD 去搵,但要記得 inverse of mod 係under damin $\mathbb{Z_m}$

again by extend GCD \(Find \ the\ inverse\ of \ 101\ modulo \ 4620:\\\\ gcd(101,4620)\\ 4620 = 101 • 45 + 75 \\ 101 = 75 • 1 + 26\\ 75 = 26 • 2 + 23\\ 26 = 23 • 1 + 3\\ 23 = 3 • 7 + 2\\ 3 = 2 • 1 + 1\\ 2 = 1 • 2 + 0\\ \therefore \ gcd(101,4620) = 1, inverse \ exists\)


inverse of 101 mod 4620 = x = 1601

Chinese Remainder Theorem:

(Sun-Tsu’s Problem 孫子,你有咩問題)

Let $m_1,m_2,..,m_n$ be pairewise relatively prime {$gcd(m_a,m_b) = 1$} and $\in \mathbb{Z} > 1$ and $a_1,a_2,…,a_n$ arbitrary integer $\in \mathbb{Z}$

$x \equiv a_1 (\mod m_1)$ $x \equiv a_2 (\mod m_2)$ … $x \equiv a_n (\mod m_n)$

has unique solution modulo $m = m_1m_2…m_n$ \(x = a_1M_1y_1+a_2M_2y_2+...+a_nM_ny_n\\ \\ a_n = r_n\\ \\ M_n = \frac{m_1•m_2•...•m_n}{m_n}\\ \\ y_n=inverse\ of M_n \\\) 都幾big brain


x 係成條鎖匙, $m_n$係對應第幾個鎖匙凹位,$a_n$ 就係凹幾多咁

583,000+ 項鎖匙照片檔、圖片和免版稅影像- iStock

例子: \(x = a_1 \frac{m_1m_2m_3}{m_1}y_1 + a_2 \frac{m_1m_2m_3}{m_2}y_2 +a_3 \frac{m_1m_2m_3}{m_3}y_3\\\) 當我地mod $m_1$ 嗰時:

$\frac{m_1m_2m_3}{m_1}y_1$ 會變左做1 , 因為 $y_1$ 係 $M_1$ ge inverse ,$M_1 • M_1^{-1} = 1$

而$a_2 \frac{m_1m_2m_3}{m_2}y_2$ 同 $a_3 \frac{m_1m_2m_3}{m_3}y_3$ 會變左做0, 因為 $\frac{m_1m_2m_3}{m_n}$ 入面上下會cancel out which 變成 $a_2m_1m_3y_2$ 同 $a_3m_1m_2y_2$ 係哩個moment,佢變左個 $m_1$ ge倍數,所以 mod $m_1$ 就變左0

$x$ mod $m_n$equals


Modular exponentiation:

  • $a^i \mod n = ((a\mod n)(a \mod n )……(a \mod n))\mod n$
  • $a^{i+j} \mod n = ((a^i\mod n )(a^j \mod n))\mod n $
  • $a^{ij}\mod n = ((a^i mod n)^j)\mod n$

Repeated Squaring Method:

let say we want to compute $a^n\mod m$ where $n$ is a large number

we can rewrite n in binary which = $(b_k…b_1b_0)_2$

e.g.: n = 50 = 110010 then \(a^{50} \mod m \\ a^{2^1 + 2^4 + 2^5} \mod m\\ (a^{2} \mod m • a^{16}\ \mod m • a^{32} \mod m )\mod m\) $a^{32} = (a^{16})^2 = ((a^{8})^2)^2 = (((a^{4})^2)^2)^2 = ((((a^{2})^2)^2)^2)^2$

and we know $a^{ij}\mod n = ((a^i mod n)^j)\mod n$

so we can recursively find the value we want and add them together to find $a^{50}$

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