
SEHH3326 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

喱一科真係好有趣 :D , 不過睇真 D 原來係 Discrete Math >:(


Table of Content

Ch1 Introduction to AI and ML

咩係 AI 同 ML?

i. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

對於 AI 一詞,唔同學者都有唔同 ge expectation
Psychologist:[Human Peformance/Thought/Process] vs Engineer:[Rationality/Behaviour/Result]
psychologist (心理學家)認為 AI 應該要 behaves like a human (Human performance)
Computer Engineer 認為 AI 應該要可以 efficiently, quickly, cheaply 咁 achieve the goal (do the right things) (rationality 理性)
但係大多數 ge AI researcher 都係注重係 result 多個 process

<img src=”” width=40% height=50%>

  • Intelligence
    • 指識得 Learning (學習), Reasoning (推理), Understanding (理解) environment ge 野
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
    • 指一個可以 show 到 Intelligence 特性 ge 一個由人所 build ge entities
  • Computer programming vs AI
    • 係 computer ge 世界入面,你要知道點樣去 solve 嗰 problem,再 step by step (programming) 咁教電腦
    • 係 AI ge 世界,你唔洗知點樣去 solve 嗰 problem 而係話比 AI 知你想要 D 咩
  • AI vs ML
  • AI 係用 reasoning, thinking 同 logics 去 solve problems
  • ML 係用大量 example 去 solve, 同埋識進化 (improve)

  • Turning Test
    • 一個攞喱 check AI 夠唔夠 human ge test,但係其實都幾難 pass 到

ii. History of AI

諗到 AI 喱一樣 ge 人真係好 big brain 早期 ge AI 因為 computing power ge 不足,一直都受到限制

  • Expert systems

    早期類似 AI 概念 ge 一個 system

    • 由一大堆 if then statment 所組成
    • 唔識進化
    • 理解唔到新野
    • 好難 maintain
  • Late 1980’s
    • Probabilistic reasoning (probability + statistic)
    • Machine learning
  • Early 2000’s
    • Big Data
  • Early 2010’s
    • Deep Learning

iii. Application of AI

iv. Limitation of AI

盡管 AI 睇好似似萬能咁,但係其實 AI 都有唔擅長 ge 野 語言博大精深

  • E.g. Language translation, story telling
  • The rule of language often contradict itself
  • A single word can have various meaning
  • New word being created constantly

v. Intelligent Agents

一個 agent 係由 Architecture 同 agent program 所組成 為左可以整到一個 Rational agent,我地需要一 D performance measur,一個 environment,再加上兩類 architecures

  • Performance measure
  • Environment
  • Actuators (執行)
  • Sensors

而當中 Environments 入面又有分唔同 types

為左方便去認,以下會以 player 代指 agent

  • Fully vs Partially observable
    • 環境而言,我地係咪知道哂所有資訊?
  • Single-agent vs Multiagent
    • 得一個 player? 定係仲有其他player?
    • 雙方可以係 competitive or cooperative ge 關係
  • Deterministic vs Nondeterministic
    • 當 player 做出一個動作嗰時,會唔會知道嗰結果?
  • Episodic vs Sequential
    • player 所做 ge 每一個 move 係獨立 ge? 定係因影響之後 ge move?
  • Discrete vs Continuous
    • 周圍 ge 環境,時間,規則同動作係一格一格咁跳,定係連續咁喐動?
    • Jason 講到一個例子:如果嗰 environment 係用電子鐘 ge 話,咁就係discrete,但係如果係用秒針一直喐 ge 嗰隻鐘(唔係一秒一秒跳嗰 D)就係 continuous
  • Static vs Dynamic vs Semidynamic
    • Static 指,環境會等到 player 做出一個動作之後先會改變
    • Dynamic 指,環境係會係 player 諗緊嗰時都可以做出改變 (例如對手做左一個動作都計改變左嗰環境)
    • Semidynamic 指,環境雖然唔係會 player 做出動作之前改變,但 player ge performance score 卻可以
  • Known vs Unknown
    • 哩一項並唔關嗰 environment 事,而係關 player 本身
    • Known enviroment 係指 player 知道會一個動作 ge outcome (or probability outcomes) 係咩
    • Unknow environment 就係 player 知佢可以做咩,但唔知嗰 enviroment 會點變

除左關於 environment 之外,仲有關於 agent programs

agent program 可以話係 Brain of agent 最常見 ge 有以下四種

  • Simple reflex agents

    一種淨係會 focus 係當下環境而作出決定 ge agents

    • 靠 if then rules 去做決定
      <img src=”” width=50% height=50%>
  • Model-based reflex agents

    一種會 base on 當下 ge environment 同過住經驗去做決定 ge agents

    • agent 會保持住一種叫 internal state ge state
    • internal state 係由 Transition model 同 Sensor model 去作 update
      • Transition model 會話比 agent 知嗰環境係點變 (may or may not depend of agent’s actions)
      • Sensor model 會話比 agent 知嗰環境會點樣影響嗰知覺
  • Goal-based agents
    • <img src=”” width=50% height=50%>
  • Utility-based agents
    • <img src=”” width=50% height=50%>
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